Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Help us identify media that portrays foster parents in a negative light

NFPA, along with North American Council on Adoptable Children and Generations United, is working on a grant to help state and local associations to better meet the needs of foster, adoptive and kinship caregivers. The grant will help us advocate for better laws, policies and practices, and help us improve the image of foster parents and foster care in general.

One of the components of the grant is to obtain an accurate picture of what people are producing, writing and filming in regard to foster care and foster parents. We need to identify television shows and/or movies that have portrayed foster parents/foster families in a negative perspective.

If you are aware of a program (television or film), please make note of the title, air date, etc. and send to NFPA. We need to prove that the negativity exists and then work with television and movie producers to change this terrible practice.

Please send any comments to iclements@nfpaonline.org by February 15. Also, please spread the word about this project so we can make a true difference in how media portrays our families.

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