Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Survey on foster children and the use of prescription medication

Photo Credit: ckaiserca via photopin

Hello foster parents!
My name is Anna Yelick and I am a second year doctoral student in the College of Social Work at Florida State University. I am inviting you to participate in a brief study on foster parents’ views on the use of prescription medications as part of a care plan for children’s behavioral concerns. Participation in this study is completely voluntary. In addition, I will not have any way of knowing specifically who participates and who does not, therefore, you will remain anonymous.

I am interested in learning more about foster parents’ motivations for giving prescription medications to their foster children. While it is likely you do not have the right to make medical decisions for your foster child (as that right is retained with the biological parent or the agency/state), you as the foster parent are likely involved in the discussions regarding the decisions to medicate your foster child. In addition, there may be times when you, as the foster parent, would prefer not to give prescription medications to your foster child. Therefore, this scale examines when you would be or would not be likely to agree to give prescription medications to your foster child, if given the choice.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Free webinar for support group leaders

As part of an effort to build a strong support and advocacy community for foster, adoptive and kinship families, Advocates for Families First is offering a series of free webinars for leaders of organizations that serve this community.

The first webinar — Starting and Enhancing Support Groups for Adoptive, Foster, and Kinship Families — will be held on February 24 at 2 p.m. EST (11 a.m. PST, 12 p.m. MST, and 1 p.m. CST). The session is designed for those who are new to support group leadership as well as those seeking to infuse their group with new energy or hoping to take the next step in group development.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

We've got mail!

Hello Friends of Foster Parents, 
Back in the summer of 2005, our foster son was recognized in your magazine as the Gordon Evans Scholarship recipient of Oklahoma to Oklahoma State University. I would like to say "thank you" once again for helping this very deserving young man take an important step into the future that now waits before him as a hopeful promising career is on the horizon. 
Though Jacob took six years to complete his undergraduate (part of the residue of being a child separated from biological family and changed from many homes in the foster system until reaching our home), he finally achieved a biology degree that then led him to Argosy College in Minnesota where he studied ultrasound technology. This month he completes his internship at Parkland Hospital in Dallas, Texas and will be fully certified as a Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer. We are proud of his accomplishments and of the future that is in store for him and his beautiful wife, Megan. 
Thank you "Gordan Evans" and NFPA for helping to encourage foster children/students all over America!

Rev. Marilyn Merle

Note: NFPA has also been informed that Jacob will be performing mission work this month before starting his full-time job. Way to go Jacob!