Friday, April 26, 2013

Pizza night at your house? Consider setting aside an extra $10 for the youth!

What is the cost of one large pizza or one meal at a fast food restaurant? $10? 

And what does one large pizza or one meal from a fast food restaurant have to do with youth scholarships?

If everyone reading this would be willing to contribute the cost of just one large pizza or one meal from a fast food restaurant, the National Foster Parent Association could offer at least some of our youth the opportunity to pursue a higher education, which in turn could lead to a better job and a productive future.

2013 NFPA Election Results

Please view the 2013 NFPA Board of Director election results below.

Heather Hosmer

Vice President
Pat Llewellyn

Regional Vice Presidents
Region 1: Doris Marshall (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont)
Region 3: Randy Smith (District of Columbia, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia)
Region 5: Janice Hilleary (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin)
Region 7: Pamela Allen (Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska)
Region 9: Ronald L. Clanton (Arizona, California, Nevada, Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, and Wake Island)

A big thank you to all of you that cast your votes for the 2013 NFPA Election.

A note regarding our 2013 conference hotel

For June 2, the contracted rooms at Renaissance Long Beach have all been reserved. Since many guests may want to stay that evening, NFPA has checked all the downtown Long Beach hotels for availability. Please consider one of the following hotels: